The Semantic Matchmaker is a semantic matchmaking tool based on a Semantic Data Fabric using PoolParty as the Semantic Middleware and as the Data Catalog. It is designed to simulate the use case of automatically connecting (matching) Consultants (based on their skills and experience) to Projects (based on the project description). It uses a data catalog ( to access all datasets (CVs, Timesheets with "assignments" and Project Descriptions) and PoolParty to extract a "semantic footprint" from structured and unstructured text based on a knowledge graph related to skills and occupations. 

By selecting a project from the list below you will see the "semantic footprint" of the project (tags) and in a second step find the best-matching consultants that could be assigned to this project. You will be able to expand the first initial matching (which is done based on matching extracted concepts of people to extracted concepts of projects by enhancing the semantic footprint based on additional relations (eg: if a person has skills that are relevant for a specific occupation, the system will take this into consideration) and by considering the "experience level" of experts based on their past assignments. 

See here for a detailed description of the demo and used technologies.

Start the demo: please select a project


  • The CV data used in this app are fictitious. They were generated using a Demo Data generator created by Semantic Web Company.
  • No identification with actual persons is intended or should be inferred. Any similarity with real persons is purely coincidental.
  • The project descriptions are taken from the EU open data portal - this is for pure demonstration purposes and none of the used datasets is sold in any commercial product.