Resume extracted from CV

Tristan Morin Taxonomy Manager Coastal Highway 5809, X0K 8N3 Melbourne Canada Phone: 174-841-7930 E-mail: About Me I studied Information Systems at Ewha Womans University. I work for Royal Dutch Shell as a Taxonomy Manager. I am experienced in the following areas: CSS, Web service, Eclipse, tools for ICT test automation, Haskell, and Developing strategy to solve problems. During my career, I have developed good selling skills and high energy. I have always been willing to learn and motivated. I am a remarkable logical thinker. My research interests focus on virtual reality, universal-algebraic approach, numerical method, and processing bots. My Footprint ICT system programming, Delphi, ICT system integration, Developing strategy to solve problems, Pascal, Jboss, Java, Python, Unity (digital game creation systems), Drupal, data, approach, biological carbon, fermions

CV PDF file


Semantic footprint

This semantic footprint is automatically generated based on the resume that was extracted from the CV using PoolParty's text-extraction capabilities. The underlying knowledge model (knowledge graph) contains over 21.000 concepts of skills, topics, and occupations and has been built with PoolParty. It uses an adapted and enhanced version of the ESCO classification of the European Commission as a basis for skills and the occupations that are related to them.

approach, automation, Computer technology, CSS, Delphi, develop, Developing strategy to solve problems, Eclipse, focus, Haskell, ICT system integration, ICT system programming, Information Systems, Java, Jboss, learning, numerical method, Pascal, processing bots, Python, studies, Taxonomy Manager, Unity (digital game creation systems), virtual reality, Web service