Resume extracted from CV

Denil Pereira Architect Rua Das Flores 1209, 92435 Curitiba Brazil Phone: (27) 6701-1749 E-mail: About Me I studied Biology at University of Sao Paulo. I work for Carrefour as a Architect. I am experienced in the following areas: Data categorization, Semantic technologies, Data classification, Triple store, and Graph Database. During my career, I have developed good self-awareness and high energy. I have always been willing to learn and energetic. My research interests are biodiversity, and drug discovery process. My Footprint Reasoner, OWL, Ontology engineering, Data categorization, SPARQL, Thesaurus, Data integration, SKOS, Data classification, Corpus analysis, fermions, methods, translation

CV PDF file


Semantic footprint

This semantic footprint is automatically generated based on the resume that was extracted from the CV using PoolParty's text-extraction capabilities. The underlying knowledge model (knowledge graph) contains over 21.000 concepts of skills, topics, and occupations and has been built with PoolParty. It uses an adapted and enhanced version of the ESCO classification of the European Commission as a basis for skills and the occupations that are related to them.

Architect, biodiversity, Biology, Corpus analysis, data, Data categorization, Data classification, develop, drug discovery process, fermions, Graph Database, Graph database, learning, methods, Ontology engineering, OWL, Reasoner, Semantic technologies, SKOS, SPARQL, studies, Thesaurus, translation