Resume extracted from CV

Alfred Jørgensen Director Technology Drosselvej 6392, 68836 Brøndby Strand Denmark Phone: 82034582 E-mail: About Me I graduated from Technische Universit“¤t Darmstadt with a degree in Materials Science. I work for Fiat as a Director Technology. I am experienced in the following areas: Implement ICT recovery system, Joomla, HTML, and Perl. The words that best define me are highly organized, competitive and persuasive. I am highly resourceful. My research interests are learning and memory, decision-theoretic planning methods, verification, and distributed system intelligence. My Footprint ASP.NET, MATLAB, Architectural design, SaaS, HTML, PHP, CSS, integrated development environment software, Joomla, ICT system integration, methods, road

CV PDF file


Semantic footprint

This semantic footprint is automatically generated based on the resume that was extracted from the CV using PoolParty's text-extraction capabilities. The underlying knowledge model (knowledge graph) contains over 21.000 concepts of skills, topics, and occupations and has been built with PoolParty. It uses an adapted and enhanced version of the ESCO classification of the European Commission as a basis for skills and the occupations that are related to them.

Architectural design, ASP.NET, Computer technology, CSS, decision-theoretic planning methods, Director Technology, distributed system intelligence, environment, HTML, ICT system integration, implement, Joomla, learning and memory, Materials Science, MATLAB, methods, Perl, PHP, road, SaaS, software, systems, verification